An update on Covid-19’s impacts on municipal operations. New of today is cancellation of upcoming public consultation and new measures as it relates to transit. A reminder on the dos and don’ts.
- DO wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently
- DO call 811 to get a referral if you meet the criteria
- DO NOT go to your Doctor or the Emergency Room if you think you may have COVID-19
- DO NOT call 811 unless you meet the criteria. 811 can’t help us if they’re overwhelmed. Review the criteria before you call.
- DO call the federal government’s special Covid-9 line 1-833-784-4397 if you have general questions about the virus.
- DO NOT go to work or send your kids to school or daycare for 14 days if you’ve returned from international travel.
- DO NOT horde toilet paper, groceries or other supplies. The empty store shelves are a society-induced event. There has been no disruption to supplies. Hording hurts the most vulnerable. Please think about what basic supplies you realistically need for 72 hours, not what you might need for the next several months.
All three orders of government have webpages setup to share information on the corona virus. Check them out below.
Nova Scotia
As an added bit to the don’t call 811 unless you fit the criteria, the Province now has an online assessment tool. Assessment tool is available here.
Transit is still running, but operations are being significantly affected. Transit announced today that boarding for anyone who is able-bodied will be through the rear doors, not the front. People with accessible needs will still be able to board through the front door. This is to create distance from HRM’s transit drivers since the transit system will cease to function if all the drivers end up sick. To further create distance, fares are being eliminated starting tomorrow. This isn’t meant to be an incentive to use transit, it’s to create social distance.
As a reminder, transit is operating on a no more passengers than seats capacity right now, and the seat behind the driver is already blocked off. These restrictions haven’t had the anticipated impacts as ridership has plummeted. Again, if you can work from home do so, and if you’re an employer, be flexible with employees. Transit has escalated cleaning of high-touch surfaces to every 24 hours and is in the process of switching cleaning solutions to a more long-lasting product.
Public Consultation:
Public Hearing, Portland Street Development:
April’s Harbour East Community Council meeting has been cancelled. I’m not sure when this will be rescheduled for at this point, but will update when information becomes available.
Centre Plan Package B:
All in-person Centre Plan public meetings have been cancelled. You can continue to submit feedback on the Centre Plan Package B via planhrm@halifax.ca You can review the Centre Plan’s draft online at centreplan.ca.