Neighbourhood Meeting Alderney Modular Housing
November 29, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Zatzman Sportsplex
On Monday evening, I will be hosting a neighbourhood information meeting for residents of Harbourview, Alderney Manor, and the Avery at the Zatzman Sportsplex. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for residents to ask questions about the upcoming modular housing project that will be located on Alderney Drive next to the CN railyard. The modular housing project will provide space for 24 residents and will be operated by the Out of the Cold Society. Each resident will have their own room, with heat, and electricity. There will also be shared bathrooms and kitchen facilities. HRM is hoping to have the modulars in place and ready for occupancy by late December. Erica Fleck, HRM’s staff lead on the project will be in attendance at the Sportsplex as will other municipal staff.

I know that the decision to locate the modular housing shelter on Alderney Drive has generated some concern from nearby residents. That is to be expected. There is always some concern when situating facilities like this. Most people agree, in the abstract, that shelters are needed services, but it’s harder to get agreement that they should be located near them. It’s my hope that some of those fears can be reduced through an open discussion of how the site will operate and what the expectations are. That’s the purpose of Monday’s meeting. It’s an information meeting about this specific project.
What’s not on the table is the question of whether the modular housing should be located along Alderney Drive. That decision has been made. I know that seems heavy-handed, but the reality is we have a homelessness crisis in HRM. We need to provide safe shelters as quickly as possible for people who really don’t have any other options and the modular units are the quickest way HRM can help do that.
There was little choice in choosing Alderney. HRM needed a location in Dartmouth that was centrally located, zoned appropriately, with access to services, and near existing community support. To get the modulars in place as quickly as possible, the site also had to be municipally-owned. We had no time to try and negotiate permission from a private landowner or another order of government. The municipal property also had to be relatively underused so that we weren’t displacing other activities and, ideally, paved. Putting all that together and the Alderney parking lots were really the only option. The HRM parking lots along Alderney are the only under-used municipal properties in Downtown Dartmouth with the right zoning and access to services. To get modulars in place as quickly as possible, there really was no other choice.
The meeting will take place at the Sportsplex. COVID protocols are in effect and space is limited as a result. Unless you’re a resident of the immediate area (existing encampment residents on Geary Street are included in that!), are double-vaxed, and have an ID to prove your vaccination status, you won’t be able to attend.

Budget 2022 Direction
Council’s 2022 budget deliberations kicked off this past week with fiscal direction. Fiscal direction is the very first step in crafting HRM’s budget. It involves staff coming forward to ask Council to approve a starting tax bill so that they can go away and prepare the budget. It’s a starting point. The ask this year was much higher though than usual, 5.9%.
First thing to note is 5.9% is not on top of assessment increases. The way HRM budgets is we look at the average out of pocket cost (the tax bill), which is made up from the combined impact of assessment and tax rate. In most of the budget cycles I have been in, although Council was talking about increases in the bill from 1.0% – 4.0% (it has varied by year), the actual tax rate went down most of the time because the funds HRM needed were more than met by increasing assessments. 5.9% isn’t on top of assessment. Very few people seem to know we budget this way and often read media stories that reference the percentage as referring to the actual tax rate.
Second thing to note is that the number that HRM starts with at fiscal direction has never ever been the final number approved by Council at the end. The budget gets modified along the way as each department presents with overs and unders. Overs being additional costs that Council would like to add while unders are cuts to save money. An example of an over from the past was more funding for the library collection while an example of an under that we approved was scaling back blue bag pickup to once every two weeks. There is also some flexibility in terms of the source of funding as the municipality has been able in the past to reduce impacts on the rate through savings and debt.
Of all the budget cycles I have been in, 5.9% is the highest starting point I have seen and I’m not surprised. The writing has been on the wall for a while that this is going to be a challenging year. Here’s why:
- The RCMP has negotiated a first ever contract with their officers, which includes a big pay increase ($2.9 million)
- HRM’s regular wage pressures ($11.0 million)
- Higher workers compensation and CPP costs ($3.7 million)
- Otter Lake and other contract increases ($4.0 million)
- Inflation is way up on fuel and insurance ($3.5 million)
- The Province is downloading a bunch of rural roads on HRM, creating lots of new costs for the municipality ($10.3 million)
- Last year’s budget was also balanced by federal restart funding which isn’t available this year ($31.0 million)
- Transit fares and other revenues aren’t expected to be fully back to pre-COVID levels ($7.0 million)
- Council choose to spend surplus money last year to artificially lower last year’s tax bill increase from 1.9% to 1.0%. I voted against that as spending surplus is a problem that compounds the longer you do it, but the politically driven 1.0% passed anyway, which means we were starting in the hole before all the other pressures even hit.
- Capital budgeting has been unrealistic for a while in terms of the balance of how much money is devoted to capital projects from the operating budget ($13.4 million)
We’re starting from a tough spot with lots of pressures! Just to balance, staff have already built into the fiscal direction some assumptions to lessen the 5.9%. The 5.9% has been reduced because staff suggest again using some one-time surplus funds ($7.0 million) and to increase the estimated revenues from deed transfer beyond the more conservative estimates that they’ve used in the past ($20.0 million). Council has often relied on surplus funds generated by deed transfer to help relieve pressure on the budget, but that has already been done this time by staff! Two of Council’s favourite escape hatches are already occupied. HRM also has very low-debt levels and staff are suggesting reversing the downward debt trend to allow for more borrowing for major capital projects. Even with all of those measures, however, to balance, staff are suggesting a base increase of 2.9%. That by itself isn’t an unusual amount that is very much in the range of past increases to the tax bill.

The other 3.0% that makes up the rest of the 5.9% proposed this year that is very much new comes from a dedicated climate change action tax. In the summer of 2020, Council approved HRM’s climate change plan, HalifACT. HalifACT is an ambitious plan that identifies the significant steps HRM will need to take if we’re going to do our share to meet our countries commitments under the Paris Agreement. HRM is committed to net zero emissions from municipal operations by 2030. Notably that means electrifying our fleet of vehicles, greening our electricity, and vastly increasing the energy efficiency of our buildings. There are long-term savings to all of those measures, but they also have an upfront capital cost. Adding to the pressure is the fact that we don’t have much time. In government terms, 2030 is right around the corner! Four of the 17 have been on Council longer than that!
It’s true that we’re not going to solve climate change here in HRM. The issue is the biggest challenge that humanity has ever faced because it requires collective action on a scale that we have just never managed. We have no global government. We’re not a very cohesive civilization. It might be tempting to conclude that we shouldn’t bother as a result. The problem with that logic is that everyone else in the world is in exactly the same boat and if we all collectively opt not to do anything than we’re in for a world of hurt. We’re already seeing the effects here, with heat waves, fires, floods, warmer oceans, higher winds, and species changing their range. Climate change isn’t a distant threat, it’s here and it’s effects are killing Canadians. We can’t control the rest of the world. All we can do is do our part and hope that others do as well. Here are my words at Council:
Getting serious on HalifACT is an absolute must for me. I will not support the budget unless we make a real commitment to HalifACT. Whether that means a full 3.0% additional tax bill or some other figure because we’re taking on more debt is something I can consider, but I will not support dithering and delay. It’s time to get on with the heavy-lifting and if that means 3.0% is needed, that’s what I will support. We’re collectively running out of time.
Council ended up voting to include the 3.0% climate change tax for HalifACT in the fiscal direction, but Council’s commitment was mixed. It was a 10-6 vote with councillors Hendsbee, Deagle-Gammon, Purdy, Kent, Russell and Outhit voting no. Right now, we’re hearing from folks, both citizens and organized groups, who are opposed to the tax bill increasing. It’s sometimes hard in these kinds of situations to remember that the feedback Council gets isn’t necessarily reflective of the broader community. It can be skewed if one-side doesn’t show up to the debate. I would encourage anyone who wants serious climate action to write us or take advantage of the opportunities afforded at our budget meetings to present to Council. There is no guarantee that 10-6 will be what the final vote in April is. Help me not be in a position of having to vote against the coming budget in protest.
So where does this all leave us? Starting in December, Council will start to get individual presentations on every aspect of HRM’s budget. The final tax bill won’t be set until late March. Experience has shown it won’t be 5.9% as the starting number has never ever matched the initial one, but I’m confident it won’t be last year’s 1.0% either. At the mayor’s request, Council did amend the main motion to include an ask for staff to return with options to make the increase 3.7%. I don’t think that will be doable or fiscally prudent, but we’ll see.

Saving the Southdale Sledding Hill
Winter fun is saved in Southdale! Back in August, a fenced enclosure appeared behind the old Southdale School on Hastings Street. The fenced enclosure was installed to provide an outdoor playground space for the Victoria Children’s Centre. The Children’s Centre had lost their home in Downtown Dartmouth when the building they were in was sold and has, luckily, been able to secure new space in the old Southdale School from the Halifax Center for Education.
One of the Children’s Centre’s operational requirements is a secure outdoor playground space. HRM and HRCE staff met to figure out where the Children’s Centre’s playground should be located and a site was chosen near Prince Arthur Avenue. Sledding isn’t officially sanctioned in any HRM park (it’s a liability quagmire that HRM has been sued over in the past), but it’s also not something that HRM prohibits. HRM’s approach to sledding is sled at your own risk. Staff were aware that the sledding was a common past-time behind Southdale School and didn’t want to interfere with that activity. Unfortunately, they believed that sledding primarily happened in the wide-open middle section of the hill and decided to locate the enclosure next to Prince Arthur Avenue to avoid that spot. HRM and HRCE got that wrong and instead of preserving the sledding hill, mistakenly put the enclosure right on it. Oops indeed.
I’m pleased to share that winter fun will continue as before in Southdale. The Children’s Centre was more than happy to agree to move their playground to the front yard of the old school and I have authorized the use of Distirct 5’s capital fund to cover the cost. The fence should be moved sometime in the next few weeks.
I want to emphasize here that the Children’s Centre didn’t choose the sledding hill for their enclosure. That spot was chosen, with the best of intentions, by HRM and HRCE. I have heard from the Children’s Centre that some of their staff have been on the receiving end of some very rude remarks from residents upset about the enclosure’s location. That’s not fair. The Children’s Centre is a non-profit daycare that is providing an essential service in the neighbourhood. Directing anger at them for something that wasn’t really their choice is inappropriate. With the issue now resolved, I hope that we can all be more welcoming to each other going forward.
MacKay Bridge Crash Bars
There will, hopefully, be less resetting the so-called counter at the MacKay Bridge. The Bridge Commission is in the process of installing crash bars in advance of the tolls. The hope is to reduce the incidents of large vehicles, mainly trucks, from choosing the wrong toll gate and crashing into the canopy. The number of these crashes has gone way up over the last year and it has become a bit of meme on social media. While it has been a social media hit, it’s not so funny for drivers. The toll crashes cause disruption, damage the plaza, and are a risk to drivers and bridge employees. Hopefully the crash bars will reduce the incidences, but I would also be surprised if the problem is entirely eliminated. The permanent solution will come when the Bridge Commission switches to electronic tolling and the whole toll plaza becomes redundant and can be removed.

2022 Volunteer Award Nominations
Do you know an outstanding community volunteer? Feel that it would be worth recognizing them for their good work? Good news, HRM’s is accepting nominations for the municipality’s annual volunteer awards. The deadline for nominations is December 15. For more information, to check out past winners, and to nominate someone awesome, visit HRM’s website here.
Alderney Library English Program
Speaking of volunteer opportunities, the Alderney Library is seeking both tutors and learners for its English program. No experience is needed to be a tutor, just a willingness to share your life with a newcomer in order to welcome them to Dartmouth and help make our community a hospitable and healthy place for all of us. Newcomers to Canada who wish to Improve their English and feel more settled in the community are invited to meet with a neighbour at the library once a week. Contact Brenda Woolner at 902-220-1258 or ellag@halifax.ca for an info sheet that provides more details. Tutors and learners welcome.
Senior Snow Shovelling Program
Removing snow at home can be a challenging or even impossible for some people. To help, HRM provides an annual contribution of $400,000 to support the YMCA’s Snow Removal Program for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities. The YMCA will provide snow clearing through the program for front and back steps, walkways, ramps, and access to fuel tanks. The program doesn’t include driveways. To be eligible, participants must be:
- Seniors (65 years of age or older) and/or persons with disabilities in HRM
- Participants must reside in a a single dwelling home which is owned or rented (residential properties only)
- Total gross household income of all people living on the premise must not exceed $32,000
The program operates on a first-come, first-served basis as the funding allows the YMCA to serve about 450 households. To find out more about this program and to apply, please call the YMCA at 902-483-3678 or visit the YMCA online.

Dartmouth Cove Clean Up
I have had a few people ask me over the last few weeks what is going on in Dartmouth Cove off Maitland Street across from the intersection with Newcastle Street adjacent to Phase 1 of the Moffatt’s redevelopment. The property has been very heavily excavated. While it might look like a development is getting underway, it’s actually a Provincial clean-up. The property was once home to a drycleaners and the land ended up contaminated from that past use. Deluxe Drycleaners Limited went out of business decades ago, but it’s still the registered owner of the land. Deluxe hasn’t filed anything in the Registry of Joint Stocks since 1988! I’m not sure of the legal details, but it sure looks like a situation where the Province has been left holding the bag for the clean-up costs of a long defunct business. Please note, that Deluxe Drycleaners Limited doesn’t seem to have any relation to the current Deluxe Dry Cleaners that has several locations throughout HRM.
Leaf Cleanup
HRM’s annual Fall Street Leaf Cleanup Program is underway. Crews have begun collecting and removing leaves from streets in the heavily-treed areas of the Halifax peninsula. After work is complete on the Peninsula, they’ll move into other areas of the urban core, including Dartmouth. HRM is asking for the cooperation of residents to efficiently complete this work. Temporary ‘No Parking’ signs will be posted in neighbourhoods prior to cleanup. Please abide by the parking restrictions as parked cars impede crews in their work.
Leaves that fall in your yard can be disposed of in your green bin. Excess can disposed of in large paper bags. Roll the tops of the bags closed to keep out rain and moisture and store them in a cool, dry area until collection day. Each bag can weigh no more than 55 pounds. There is a 20 bag limit per household. An alternative to all that work is to just “leave” the leaves on the ground until spring. Leaves make good mulch and provide habitat for overwintering critters.
Public Consultation
Short-term Rental Survey
Now – December 17
Share your thoughts on proposed regulations for Short-Term Rentals (like Airbnb or VRBO) by filling out HRM’s survey on regulations. Click here to learn about the project and take the survey.
JustFOOD Survey
HRM and the Halifax Food Policy Alliance have teamed up to develop JustFOOD: an action plan for the Halifax region, working towards a more healthy, just, and sustainable food system built on existing strengths and community wisdom. They are seeking input from community members to help shape actions for positive change in the food system. Visit the website here to have your say by completing the survey.
Council Updates
To keep you informed about what is going on at Council, I’m writing a regular blog after each meeting. Each of my entries is about what I saw as noteworthy from a District 5 perspective and my views on the issues. We might not always agree, but I think it’s important to provide a record of how I voted and why.
Council Update, November 9
Regional Council approves more funding for the modular housing project and a Dartmouth location plus snow clearing changes on the Dartmouth Common, Otter Lake contract negotiations, and more on the Province’s potentially heavy-handed interference in planning in HRM. Read about it here.
Council Update, October 26 and November 4
Harbour East’s approval of the next building at King’s Wharf. At Regional Council we approved the Centre Plan and made an absurdity out of the temporary sign bylaw. Read about it here.
Council Update, October 19
A bit of a quiet meeting that was upstaged by the Province’s announcement that they’re going to interfere in planning and transportation in HRM. My update ended up being primarily about the Province’s move. Also Burnside expansion and capital budgeting. Read about it here.
With the peak construction season wrapping up, much less to report on tenders.
Three tender awards since October’s E-News.
- Snow removal Bridge Terminal, $361,625 (Teak Tree Enterprises)
Five year contract for snow removal at HRM’s busiest transit terminal - Snow removal Zatzman Sportslex, $295,500 (Leahey’s Landscaping)
Snow clearing for the Sportsplex parking lot and pathways. Originally bundled with the Bride Terminal contract, but it proved to be cheaper to separate the two. - Zatzman Sportsplex Acoustic Tile Replacement, $44,900 (G.A. LeBlanc and Construction Services Limited)
No new tenders issued over the last few weeks that were relevant to District 5
Finding Ivy
December 2 – 18
Dartmouth Players
The Dartmouth Player’s next production, Finding Ivy, opens this week. It’s Christmas Eve. Ivy is lost, and her memory is gone. As she tries to find her way home, Ivy meets several colourful characters who help her remember some heartwarming revelations, painful truths, and help her to realize where she belongs. An ensemble comedy full of kindness, pratfalls, dancing, and holiday cheer! Fun for the whole family! For tickets, visit the Ticketpro page here.

Lights of Dartmouth
Saturday, December 4, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Downtown Dartmouth
Get ready to celebrate the holiday season with friends and family and view spectacular light displays in Downtown Dartmouth. The program has been designed to allow for families to comfortably stroll Downtown Dartmouth with the ability to social distance while celebrating the festive season. For more information check out the invitation letter here.
Shubie Park Tree Lighting
Sunday, December 5, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Fairbanks Centre, Shubie Park
The Shubie Park Tree Lighting is returning this year. Enjoy music, fireworks, hot drinks, treats, and marshmallows toasting over a big bonfire! And of course, Santa will be there to help the children count down to the tree lighting.
Dartmouth Walk Group
Saturdays, 9:00 am
Alderney Landing
Hike Nova Scotia introduces gentle, easy walking groups through their NS Walks initiative. There is a walk group starting at Alderney Landing on Saturday mornings at 9:00 am. There is also another group who walks in various Dartmouth locations during the week. Fore more infomration and to sign-up check out the website here or call 902-932-6902
Sam, let’s examine some of the statements you seem to be feel the need to make over and over again as you attempt to persuade constituents they should happily pay to fund HalifACT:
“The issue [climate change] is the biggest challenge that humanity has ever faced because it requires collective action on a scale that we have just never managed.” – No, completely off the mark. You should try to get your head out of the climate change echo chamber. The biggest issue humanity has ever faced, that gets worse with each passing year, is loss of biodiversity. This is related to, but not synonymous with, climate change. It has to do with a global human population of 8 billion, 80% of whom have a markedly lower standard of living than those of us in the West but aspire to close that gap. It has to do with people like Mayor Savage advocating for 50% increases in the size of their cities in the next 30-50 years. And it has to do with a whole class of ultra-capitalists, and their political cronies, who believe that ‘solving’ the climate change ‘problem’ presents opportunities to partake of fabulous riches. At the end of which…climate change will still be a fact. It’s the gift that never stops giving to these people. Solving the much more worrisome and catastrophic loss of biodiversity issue? No fortunes to be made there. The problem is: THERE ARE TOO MANY HUMANS. And, as recent events have proven, they choose to live in unsuitable places where they build on unsuitable sites and undertake unsustainable activity.
“HalifACT is an ambitious plan that identifies the significant steps HRM will need to take if we’re going to do our share to meet our countries commitments under the Paris Agreement.” – Yes, it is ambitious. And also notable for its cost and open-ended nature. By the way, the Paris Agreement accords are COUNTRY commitments, not CITY commitments.
“HRM is committed to net zero emissions from municipal operations by 2030.” – Please provide the latest cost figure to meet this entirely arbitrary and unrealistic 2030 target. One suspects HRM Council committed to this without having an accurate understanding of the cost. Just what is the FINAL COST projection for converting to an all-electric bus fleet? Indeed, one gets the sense that for certain Councillors, yourself in particular, COST IS NO OBJECT. The only thing that was ever certain was this: PROPERTY OWNERS WILL PAY.
“It’s true that we’re not going to solve climate change here in HRM. The issue is the biggest challenge that humanity has ever faced because it requires collective action on a scale that we have just never managed.” – Correct, we’re not going to “solve climate change here in HRM.” Climate change has been a reality that humanity has had to adapt to since humans first walked the earth. Obviously, the human-induced components of it, to the extent that climate scientists agree the extent to which they are significant (and there are dissenting opinions), need to be carefully managed. The reality is this: only .007% of humanity resides in HRM. Council’s 2020 commitment to a 2030 NET ZERO target, funded with a 3% climate tax on property owners, is unrealistic, unaffordable and will NOT deliver a statistically significant result.
You are mistaken if you believe your constituents elected you in order that they could take the lead, through property tax increases, to fund an HRM contribution to internationally agreed climate change targets that apply to NATIONs. Please feel free to vote against a budget that doesn’t substantially raise taxes to fund HalifACT. Or do vote for a budget that does.
Either way, don’t expect the community to forget. You may think your comfortable majority in the last civic election gives you the mandate, but you were not elected to public office to execute an unaffordable climate action plan that rests on the backs of municipal taxpayers. And before spouting the usual drivel that the actual average increase to homeowner property taxes will be less XXX dollars, do remember that the after-tax cost of living increase a retired homeowner receives in their pension is under — sometimes well under — $200 a month. You want to take it? Come and get it.
Hi Michael. A few things.
I’m not sold that there are too many humans. There are too many humans trying to live a western consumer lifestyle which isn’t sustainable and is crushing the ecological systems that sustain us. I don’t think you can separate biodiversity from climate change, they’re all part of the same reckoning. We have tons of resources. What we don’t have is any sort of remotely equitable distribution. The haves in our world have way way too much while the have nots have way way too little.
We’re going to have to agree to disagree on whether climate change is a municipal issue. I believe it’s everyone’s issue. We all have a role to play. We can’t just say it’s a federal issue and do nothing.
You’re correct, Council approved the HalifACT plan without an implementation plan for how to do it. Councillor Smith and I were talking about that very thing at break during budget deliberations. It’s something that we should probably have had a better view of, but at the same time, a perfectly formed plan of this size and scope is hard to come by. Yes property owners will pay (myself included) since we have no other source of revenue. That’s how we pay for everything at the municipal level. We are discussing upping the low income tax relief program as part of this budget to ease the burden on the people with limited income.
The problem with your pitch on statistically significant change is that’s the argument that virtually anyone in the world could adopt, which than means we all do nothing and we get 5 degrees of warming or more and complete chaos and collapse and the many fewer humans you’re talking about. This is a classic prisoner’s dilemma scenario. All we can do is do our share with our emissions and hope others do the same. I realize you disagree with me on that.
It’s always hard to say what is behind someone’s vote. Is it a specific issue? A general sense of the candidate? Name recognition? The reasons are varied. I will say that I made no secret of HalifACT being one of my top priorities when I ran. It was in my brochure, I spoke of it in the candidate’s debate as my top issue, and I made a dedicated video just for it (link below). I have been very clear that if people vote for me, that climate change action was going to be something that I was going to do.
Sam: thank-you for your response, honesty and clarifications. You state “You’re correct, Council approved the HalifACT plan without an implementation plan for how to do it.” This is, quite frankly, an abdication of responsibility on the part of Council. What is behind most people’s vote is no big surprise — it’s self-interest. Please do remember though, your constituents expect the solutions you come up with to be reasonable, practicable, affordable and fair. Downloading the cost of an un-scoped climate change fix to property owners is none of these. As for my argument of ‘statistically significant change being something “anyone in the world could adopt”, yes, they could (and do). But thoughtful people see through these sorts of deceptions. Always ask the following questions: (1) What will it cost? (2) Who will pay? and (3) Will it solve the problem? If the answers to any one of these questions are unclear, then best to reconsider the approach.
Wow, this was just a follow up to a letter I found in my mailbox this morning, …
unfortunately too late to shoulder into the Sportsplex for the actual announcement of a fairly large homeless shelter right in the path of pedestrian sidewalks and I guess bus stops, ferry service, and the banking and health clinics downtown. Not to mention pleasant coffee shops and the liquor store, and so on.
Temporary shelter or permanent?
Does HRM have the budget of downtown Vancouver? Permanent housing is going to mean that.
Luckily I sold my investment property, and I am not upgrading the other one.
I never trusted Downtown Dartmouth at night, nor the bus terminal or parklands.
I never trusted redesigning my investment property either.
But this will not stand.
Can you please step down and at least provide a list of attorneys who see a democratic process that was in trust but is no longer. I sense you were sandbagged, but whatever. If the shoe fits, as they say. In politics you middle ground it, not stomp on your voting public.
And even for me, this is too ridiculous.
Homeless people do not reintegrated because they need support systems that are not routinely affordable outside of hospital settings. Many people like to believe the opposite.
Dartmouth now has a waterfront property worth millions that could have been sold to initiate a new fund but instead it has a put a target on your job.
And ruined the fragile recovery of Dartmouth.