Platform: Affordable Housing Tax Relief, Participatory Budgeting, Bylaw Enforcement,

Here’s a roundup of the details of my platform that I shared on social media this past week in one blog entry.

Tax Relief for Non-Profits Affordable Housing
HRM has a grant program that reduces the amount of property taxes that eligible non-profits pay. This applies to non-profits that provide affordable housing. Eligible non-profit housing providers receive a 50% reduction in their bills.

This program is valuable since it helps non-profit providers cover operating costs, but also in the creation of new affordable housing since they get to factor in a reduced tax burden into their financial calculations when trying to secure funding for new projects.

What I have heard from more than one non-profit provider is that tax relief may not provide the splash of a ribbon cutting for a new project, but it is every bit as valuable, if not more so, because it’s stable, predictable, and available every year.

Given the housing crisis that we face and the vital role that non-profits are playing given the reluctance of government to build housing directly, HRM should enhance its tax relief program.

If re-elected, I will push to increase the amount of relief that non-profit affordable housing providers receive above its current threshold of 50%.

Dartmouth, we do great things together

Participatory Budget 2018 at the Findlay Community Centre

Participatory Budgeting.
Each Council district receives $94,000 per year, which can be used on HRM projects or to support non-profit organizations. The district Councillor decides how the fund is used. Except during COVID I have awarded 50% of District 5’s funds through participatory budgeting.

So what is participatory budgeting? Participatory budgeting gives residents a direct say in how funding is allocated. Rather than me making decisions alone, people in the community get the chance to have a direct say.

The way participatory budgeting works is eligible non-profit groups setup science fair style and then residents circuit through and vote on which projects should they want to receive funding. What I have consistently heard is people value the chance to have direct input, and to get to know the different non-profit groups that are active in our community. Mixing together District 5’s non-profits and some of our most engaged citizens is a powerful mix!

Kids can vote too. There is a lot of lip service paid to youth, but rarely do they get a chance to have a real say. I have seen a lot of youth take participatory budgeting very seriously as a result. It’s a fantastic civics lesson that helps shape our future citizens.

Participatory budgeting isn’t perfect. It has biases that favour large, popular groups, which is why I split the District 5 pot between participatory budgeting and funds that I continue to direct.

If re-elected, I will continue to award 50% of District 5’s funding through participatory budgeting.

Dartmouth, we do great things together

24/7 Bylaw Enforcement
Here’s an open secret, HRM has next to no bylaw enforcement in the overnight hours. In the evening when the last bylaw officer goes off-duty, bylaw enforcement passes over to police.

Police are very busy and things like parking enforcement are, understandably, not high on their radar. Often I have found too that officers don’t know all the HRM bylaws well compared to what they’re trained to do, enforce the criminal code.

The result is stuff like parking enforcement is greatly diminished overnight. As part of reimaging what tasks police should do, bylaw enforcement is low-hanging fruit. Police don’t have the time and don’t know it well.

HRM has outgrown its small town roots and we need attention paid to bylaw enforcement outside of the normal work day. If re-elected, I will push to add additional bylaw enforcement shifts.

Dartmouth, we do great things together


  1. I constantly see people going down Woodland Ave at excessive speeds. Out on roads if HRM, besides speeding, everyday I ser drivers never using their turn signals, not knowing how 4 way stop intersections work, how lighted 4 ways work, how merge lands work, or why tailgating is a terrible idea. I feel as though there needs to be action between enforcement and the licensing program to ensure drivers can drive safe, because it’s clearly being neglected. My relative finished their drivers ed, got their license and felt it was a waste of time and money after seeing what everyone gets away with on the road!

  2. Dartmouth wants the same bylaw as NW arm on the Halifax side , a no infilling in ocean in front of peoples homes bylaw. . We all pay the same taxes, we all deserve the same treatment. Dartmouth cove residence should receive same treatment as NW arm residence.
    Thank you on your input so far. Sam , Keep up the good work.

  3. Can you describe your approach to represent the citizen’s of District 5? Besides spending half of $94000 on citizen votes on prechosen projects, then other funds are completely at your own discretion. Why isn’t 100% of taxpayers funds spent in identified needs? I have yet to read or hear any candidate explain how they seek out citizen feedback and input. Politicians are to represent the citizens. If they do than how is that critical representation achieved without input and direction? A newsletter is not that.

    • Hi Sue. Participatory budgeting gives folks a direct say, but it’s not perfect. It favours larger more organized groups so I keep slightly less than half the fund back to direct myself and to participate in joint projects with other Councillors. There are sometimes requests that have interest beyond District 5 and it would be a shame not to be able to participate in those opportunities with my other colleagues.

      Beyond that, I try to make myself available to anyone who wants to send in feedback. I do open coffee hours with no appointment necessary, and make extensive use of my website and newsletter. A lot of feedback comes in via email and social media from folks and the newsletter helps focus that if there is something specific I’m seeking input on. Is there something specific you were looking for?

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